Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Noah and other news

I am sorry it took me so long to update you on Noah, but we decided (somewhat irrationally) to get a dog last Sunday, and while we love him very much, he is one more baby for me to take care of right now so I haven't had as much free time as I'd like to.
Noah went for his follow up x-ray and the pneumonia is gone, thank you for all of your prayers for him! The doc did agree with me that he should be seen by a pulmonologist, and wanted us to see one in the group at Akron Children's. This made me very happy because I had asked Robin, one of the respiratory therapists at work (aka "respies") about his condition and who she thought was a good doctor. She recommended a pediatric pulmonologist because of the variances between adult and child lung issues. So, for now (knock on wood) everyone in the Riedman household is well.
Now on to other news: This is Noah holding our new puppy.
The boys have named him "Howie" and he has been a Riedman boy for only 1 week. He is a three month old Beagabull (that means half beagle, half english bulldog) Unfortunately, I am hopelessly outnumbered by boys now, but we really love our little Howie! The boys have been waiting a long time to get a dog!


Denise said...

So glad Noah's feeling better. Howie looks cute. He'll keep all of you busy.

There are 2 new beagles here at Diana's too. One is a year old and the new one is 6 months. I like them but they smell like dogs so I DON'T LIKE to pick them up.

Flying back Saturday. Kimberly, our MC student, will come back that day as well.

Sweet Peripety said...

that doggie is tooo cute!!! :) thanks for the update on what the doc said...i forgot to ask you on Sunday!